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Our Photo Scanning Service

Photo Scanning provides the complete photo scanning service from 35mm slides and family photos to bulk scanning of thousands of photos for news paper organisations.

We regularly scan colour and mono photographs upto 800 dpi and A3 in size. Customers include individuals who want a CD/DVD gift or large organisations who have a photo archive.

Family Photo Scanning

Do you want to back-up your photos or would you like to create a Photo CD or DVD for a special occasion or gift?

Post or deliver your photos to and we will scan them to CD or DVD using our high speed photo scanners. These expensive scanners use powerful software that cleans and de-skews the photos as they are being scanned, thereby providing a quality and efficient image.

Slide Scanning scan 35mm slides, colour and mono up to, 4000 dpi resolution. Our photo scanning machines use the powerful (Digital ICE) feature to remove scratches and revive colours to produce fantastic high resolution or low resolution digital images.

What is Digital ICE

The term “Digital ICE” initially applied specifically to a proprietary technology developed by Kodak’s Austin Development Center (formerly Applied Science Fiction) that automatically removes surface defects, such as dust and scratches, from scanned images. The ICE technology works from within the scanner, so unlike the software-only solutions it does not alter any underlying details of the image. Subsequent to the original “Digital Ice” technology which used infrared cleaning, additional image enhancement technologies were marketed by Applied Science Fiction and Kodak under similar and related names, often as part of a suite of compatible technologies.

Digital ICE is used to detect scratches and dust during film scan and not applicable for document scanning. The technology uses a scanner with a pair of light sources, a normal RGB lamp and an IR lamp, and scans twice, once with each lamp. The IR lamp detects the dust locations with its unique detection method and then inpainting is applied based on this data afterwards. The general concept is to subtract the position of scratches and dust from the RGB image.

Bulk Photograph Scanning

Using our high speed scanner we can bulk scan at low to medium resolutions which are excellent for web images or archival purposes. Our scanners can scan 100s of photos a minute and the software we use will provide the best results.

Full Colour scanning of large drawings

We can also provide colour scanning of drawings, graphics and posters etc. If you have any colour prints, plans up to A0 in size then these can be processed up to 800 dpi in full colour.